Stephen Steir - Bio

Throughout his career, Steve has consistently answered customer needs in the form of high-quality products and services developed to be performant, scalable, and reliable. He has more than 35 years in software development and systems integration, nearly 25 years of leadership experience, and over 20 years delivering IaaS and SaaS platforms.

Steve’s specialties include next generation data center management, hybrid-cloud solutions, IT service management, and data center management. But Steve will tell you that his greatest joy comes from the growth and development of the people around him. Steve has spent the majority of his career building teams and the people within them around the functional needs of the organization.

Steve has held top-level executive and upper management positions at Dell/EMC, MediaMath, and VCE. His numerous roles encompassed leadership and management responsibilities in business development, global operations, and engineering of hardware, software, and services solutions. At MediaMath, Steve led the engineering team responsible for delivering programmatic marketing at massive scale utilizing a complex hybrid cloud to rapidly develop and deploy functional capabilities and world class performance.

Coach, Mentor, Sponsor


Hopkinton, MA 01748, US

About us

Steve has a long history of building and growing highly successful and profitable organizations through increasingly challenging leadership roles. Pioneer of first-of-its-kind business models and technology solutions that drive innovation, create multimillion-dollar revenue streams, and transform startups into industry leaders. Take advantage of our experience!

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